

Psychology behind the deadly “Blue Whale”

“The greatest gift we can give to our children is not to fix all their problems, instead take them to the well and teach them how to drink” Today’s media is filled with articles about this lethal game called blue whale which targets the teens and the young adults. As we all are aware of, it is a 50 day

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Simple Tips for Anger Management

When do we experience anger? We experience anger when we are irritated or frustrated. We also get anger when our expectations are not met. Anger is not a positive attitude. It makes us waste our time and energy. It affects our health – physical as well as mental. It spoils relationships and also causes to miss opportunities. What we should

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Internet Addiction Disorder

Introduction Addiction to the internet is the most threatening issue in India. 53% of total population of India is addicted to the Internet as per a research survey. This is higher than the global addiction population which is only 51%. Continuous advancement in technology has made internet accessible to people of all classes. The most common websites accessed among the internet users

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Relationship Counseling

Relationship Counseling A romantic relationship is one of the closest and intimate relationship that we have as humans. Choosing a partner and staying together through all the odds of life and through all the life’s twists and turns is rarely simple. When we choose to get married and raise a family together, there comes many surprising things that adds to

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Men and Depression

Introduction Are you tired and irritable all the time? Have you lost interest in your work, family, or hobbies? Are you having trouble sleeping and feeling angry or aggressive, sad, or worthless? Have you been feeling like this for weeks or months? If so, you may have depression. What is depression? Everyone feels sad or irritable sometimes, or has trouble

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Depression in Women

Introduction Being sad is a normal reaction to difficult times in life. But usually, the sadness goes away with a little time. Depression is different—it is a medical condition that may cause severe symptoms that can affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating, or working. Depression is more common among women than men, likely due

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Depression and College Students

Answers to college students’ frequently asked questions about depression Feeling moody, sad, or grouchy? Who doesn’t once in a while? College is an exciting time, but it can also be very challenging. As a college student, you might be leaving home for the first time, learning to live independently, taking tough classes, meeting new people, and getting a lot less

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Children and Depression

How do children and teens experience depression? Children who develop depression often continue to have episodes as they enter adulthood. Children who have depression also are more likely to have other more severe illnesses in adulthood. A child with depression may pretend to be sick, refuse to go to school, cling to a parent, or worry that a parent may

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Older Adults and Depression

How do older adults experience depression? Depression is not a normal part of aging. Studies show that most seniors feel satisfied with their lives, despite having more illnesses or physical problems. However, when older adults do have depression, it may be overlooked because seniors may show different, less obvious symptoms. They may be less likely to experience or admit to

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder: When Worry Gets Out of Control

What Is GAD? Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) feel extremely worried or feel nervous about these and other things—even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. People with GAD find it difficult to control their

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: When Unwanted Thoughts or Irresistible Actions Take Over

We aim to lead in each practice and area of law we work in. Coming from in-depth understanding of the law and the industry, capitalizing on extensive experience, we provide hands-on advice that speaks the language of our client’s business. Whether in aviation, sales and distribution, antitrust, corporate and M&A, finance, employment, energy, IP, litigation, TMT, real estate, or any other area of law, our clients can expect excellence and commitment to their objectives. Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press.



What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, it can be very disabling. Approximately 7 or 8 individuals out of 1,000 will have schizophrenia in their lifetime. People with the disorder may hear voices or see things that aren’t

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder is the most tragic mood disorders of today. It is a brain disorder that causes elevated mood swings ranging from manic states to highly depressive states.  This is a mental illness that has many effects in the human body and mind. Symptoms of this disorder are generally different from the normal ups

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Conquer Fear

Every living thing in this universe experiences fear in one form or the other. Fear is the main cause of stress and it is a threat to progress.  It drains the nervous system of its reserve of energy. It produces weakness. As a matter of fact, fear exists to glorify courage.  Here, I try to throw light on the right

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All about Bipolar Disorder

Do you go through intense moods? Do you feel very happy and energized some days, and very sad and depressed on other days? Do these moods last for a week or more? Do your mood changes make it hard to sleep, stay focused, or go to work? Some people with these symptoms have bipolar disorder, a serious mental illness. This

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Suicide Prevention

“Suicide is not chosen. It happens when pain exceeds the resources of overcoming it.” Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. Worldwide about 800,000 people commit suicide every year. It is estimated that mostly people in the age group of 15 – 35 commit/ attempt suicide. Before we actually get into the article, I would like to make two

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What Is Depression

What Is Depression? Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad. But these feelings are usually short-lived and pass within a couple of days. When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who care about you. Depression is a common but serious illness. Many people with a depressive illness never seek treatment. But

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Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Introduction Does your child go through intense mood changes? Does your child have extreme behavior changes? Does your child get much more excited and active than other kids his or her age? Do other people say your child is too excited or too moody? Do you notice he or she has highs and lows much more often than other children? Do

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